Raising Leaders FAQ

Role modeling is the most basic responsibility of parents. [Parents] are handing life’s scripts to their children, scripts that in all likelihood will be acted out for the rest of the children’s lives….Thus, our day-to-day modeling is far and away our highest form of influence. —Principle Centered Leadership, Stephen R. Covey, p.131

What will the format of the course be?

We will be in a comfortable conference room, in a group classroom setting, with multiple sessions.  In between each session, there will be an extended break with food, and an assignment to create immediate application of the principles discussed.  Each session will build upon the previous session to deepen the relationship and open up new avenues of communication and workability.

What can I expect to get out of the course?

Whatever your existing relationship, you can expect it to be transformed in a powerful way.  You will get out of the course exactly what you put into the course.  Before you attend the course you must commit to be 100% invested.   The idea of the course is to give you and your child experiences and tools to enhance the way you relate together.

What if I already have a strong relationship with my kid?

The course is designed to upgrade and enhance your relationships and the way you relate together.  Whatever your current relationship, it will be strengthened from your participation in the course.  The perfect parent doesn’t exist.   What you already think you know could be a substantial barrier to your growth.   Relationships are a mountain with no top, an endurance race with no finish line.  However strong your relationship is, authentic participation in the course will deepen and strengthen the relationship.

What if my relationship with my teenager is “troubled” at best?

The purpose of this course is not to “fix” your kid.  If you aren’t willing to see your kid as they are and accept them where they are, you will leave the course frustrated that your kid won’t change.  If you are willing to change yourself, then this course will have a tremendous impact on your future.

Is this more for parents or more for teenagers?


How do I help my kid see the value in spending their time in a leadership course?

As their parent, you can help them see the value in it to the degree that you see value in it.  If this course speaks to you as a parent, you must take the lead in having a conversation with your teenager to create value.  Why do YOU want to spend the day together?  What do you see your relationship like afterwards because of your experience?  An authentic conversation where they see that you are committed to improving and investing in THEM will create shared value.